Vanessa's colourful life has seen her...
- Develop her advocacy in response to overcoming extensive personal trauma
- Develop professional acumen & a passion for diversity & inclusion as a business leader
- Develop resilience through representing Australia in triathlon and as an endurance runner, including becoming the first person to run the length of the 254km Shoalhaven Coast, Australia
Vanessa mentors boards, communities and individuals, and for two decades she has led the firm she originally founded for ethical reasons in her early twenties. Forward Thinking Design is a Social Traders Certified social enterprise, recognised as one of Australia's most awarded and ethical business, built environment and brand strategy design studios. Vanessa's way of working aims to apply permaculture principles to all that she does.

Permaculture Design Principles
Applicable to lifestyle, business and project based...

Vanessa has worked with thousands of individuals and organisations in hospitality/F&B, workplace, retail, government, education, health, fitness and service in cities, urban and regional areas. Vanessa also works with underprivileged, diverse & fringe communities, including extensively volunteering her time and business services.
Vanessa is a passionate and endlessly curious lifelong learner with diploma, bachelor and post-grad qualifications across a range of disciplines. She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Directors Company Directors and has been honored to serve in governance and advisory with the Interior Fitout Association, Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation Australia, Reserve Bank of Australia, Kidney Health Australia, Australasian Kidney Trials Network, BCorporation and others.
Vanessa champions personal and collective responsibility in creating a happier, more connected, equitable and sustainable world. She is direct yet diplomatic, attentive, creative and astute. She aims to minimise waste and maximise meaning, whilst remaining pragmatic.
For you, Vanessa may be called upon as a sounding board, someone to talk to in business and community. Coming in objectively from the outside to help you step back, take a birds eye view, and then drill down to the detail. Distilling the complex into clear, achievable and measurable planning and action.
Working ON things AND in them. Creating your own journey, paved with milestone goals...